How to Repair a Tear in Leather Couch

Every home consists of furniture and fixtures. The owners of the home keep their home décor impressive by using a number of modern furniture articles. It is done to make their home not only look perfect but to ensure comfort. Therefore, the selection of the furniture is made keeping all essential factors in mind. 

The living room is considered the most important room of the home and its furniture is given most value. It is owing to the reason that guests are usually greeted and treated in the living rooms. The sofa is a furniture article which enjoys hegemony among all other furniture articles. 

Therefore, sofas are designed to give a royal feel and relaxation to all and sundry. In order to keep the aesthetics of the home alive, leather sofas are usually purchased. Aside from the outlooks, Dubai leather sofa offers luxurious comfort. 

Nevertheless, leather furniture no matter made up of vintage or relatively modern stuff is subjected to wear and tear. It is an expensive piece of furniture, but a slight scratch can deteriorate all elegance and beauty of this furniture article.

Steps to Repair Leather Sofa

If you are going to repair your leather sofa at home, you must have a proper leather repair kit to ensure quality patch adjustment.

Follow the given steps to ensure an invisible repair with perfect matching color and shade of the leather furniture:

Things that will help you to do a perfect job:
  • A moist, soft piece of cloths
  • Leather cleaner stuff
  • A bit of Cotton flapping
  • Scissors
  • skewer or Toothpick
  • sturdy fabric for patch purpose
  • Iron

Step 1: Clean the area which you want to repair

It is the first step of repairing leather furniture. You should not ignore it because clean furniture will be smooth to repair. You need to take 70% of isopropyl alcohol and rub it on the gouges in the soft surface. If you don’t have alcohol available, you can use white vinegar to clean leather materials. 

It will help you to remove dirt and grease letting you clean the sofa part you are going to repair. Take care of the excessive alcohol and wipe it gently until it gets dry.

Step 2:  Analyze the damaged part and select an appropriate Product   

It’s the second most important activity you will need to perform. Before doing anything else, you must observe the damage carefully in order to understand that which product will be suitable to be used on the leather sofa made in Dubai.

Step 3: Apply some quantity of glue inside the flap

Leather materials such as the synthetics, Nubuck, vinyl, and suede require a particular type of the adhesive. However, other types of leather or for original leather, you can use super glue. 

You need to apply a tiny amount of the glue inside the flapped area to make it sticky properly. For this, you can use a toothpick or needle.

Step 4: Reattach the flapped area

Don’t wait until the glue gets dry; just press the flap gently with your hands to place the flapped area into a proper structure as it used to be. 

You need to align the flapped part to make a smooth surface closed attached to each other. Keep the pressure until the glue gets dry, and the parts get stuck.

Step 5: Sand the surface gently

If you are using the super glue to reattach the flap, you need to sand it by hands with wet sandpaper. You may also use the dry sandpaper or the 320 grit. 

The reason for using this paper is to create fine dust to fill the cracked area of the leather. So, use it as filler with super glue.  Sand the surface in the cracked direction to make it smooth and soft. 

Remember! You should skip this step if you are using the leather glue.

Step 6: Dye the leather Sofa

After performing the repair process, you need to dye the glued part in order to make it look natural as it was in the past before flapping. 

Therefore, you need to have leather dye color similar to your sofa texture. Now apply the dye and fan it until it gets dry. 

After doing so, the last thing is to apply the leather sofa Dubai finishing polish giving an elegant look. 

Final words: the process of repairing sofa is easy and exciting. You just need to follow the steps, and hopefully, you will be successful.


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